Lets learn what are nouns in fun

Topic for learning - NOUNS - LEARN WITH FUN ๐Ÿ˜€

Everything mostly  around us are nouns . Nouns are of four kinds 

So there are  many types  of nouns . But first let us learn the 2 basic types of  nouns  

1 . Common nouns

2 . Proper nouns 

Now lets see what they are 

1 . Common nouns 

Common nouns are words that are of various types  ....... 

eg - Phone - Phone is of many types like Airtel phone , Jio phone , etc . 

2 . Proper nouns 

Proper nouns are particular words 

Eg  - Rohan -  Rohan is a name of particular person 

These both types can only consist of a place , person or thing 

Now see this video 

To watch this video click on watch on you tube 
Now lets learn another type of noun which is COLLECTIVE NOUN 

Collective nouns are words that has spcific name of group for noun . 

Eg - A group of books is library 

A bundle of map is atlas 

A group of  whales is school 

There are unlimited collective nouns , but for lets learn this ⬇⬇

Now we will lastly learn what are abstract nouns 

A feeling , emotion is abstact nouns . We cant touch it , we can only feel it 

Eg - Sad , Happy ,Rainy , Crying etc 

 do  this worksheet on these 4 types of nouns . Give answer in comments section 

Now lastly  see this video 


Stay safe 


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