Lets learn what are 3 types of eating habits in animals and more
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First lets discus about 3 types of EATING HABITS IN ANIMALS
So the three types are
1 . Herbivores
2 . Carnivores
3 . Omnivores
Now lets learn what are they
Herbivores - Animals which only eat plants are herbivores - EG - Girrafe etc .
Carnivores - Animals which eat flesh of other animals are carnivores - eg - lion etc
Omnivores - Animals which eat both animals and plants are omnivores , eg , bear etc
Now see this video
Now lastly lets learn what is enviroment and habitat
Enviroment - A place where an animal grow
Habitat - Place where an particular animal naturally lives
Also save enmviroment to save animals
Now see video
Stay safe
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